
This module manages the comunication with the CMS API which provides all the content and structural data for your project.

Basic API communication#

There are the four types of expected endpoints and data structure:

Data from CMS API is always cached until an appropriate hook is not invoked, either from a developer, an automated task or a CMS side operation. This cache can be turned on/off during development with the .env variable CMS_API_CACHE.

Regarding authentication (which is usually provided by the same CMS) check the Auth documentation.


{CMS_API_URL}/api/{locale}/page > {CMS_API_URL}/api/{locale}/collection > {CMS_API_URL}/api/{locale}/collection/single

Samples of data to retrieve content for pages, collections and collections' items. Each of this JSON is equal in its structure, and they are here just to show different use cases. Each of them has in the root object three required keys:

  • "route": groups meta data regarding the requested route, key by key:
    • "id": the route id should correspond to one of the routes defined in the {CMS_API_URL}/api/structure endpoint
    • "locale": the current locale with which the route is served
    • "slug": a key value pair where the key is the locale and the value is the localised slug
  • "seo": groups route specific seo related data (check a sample JSON for specific values)
  • "analytics": groups route specific analytics data (check a sample JSON for specific values)



Sample of data to retrieve the current structural information of the website for now we have three main sections:

  • "i18n": groups data related to localisation:
    • "locales": simple array of strings with the available language codes
    • "default_locale": the default locale for the application
  • "assets": groups global configuration data related to assets
    • "media": The absolute base media URL where the media files are stored from the CMS
  • "seo": groups global configuration data related to seo
    • "index": either true or false, it indicates whether the project has a unique default {APP_URL}/sitemap.xml (if false) or multiple sitemaps based on the locale, see in details here below
  • "analytics": groups global configuration data related to analytics
    • "gtm_header": GTM header code for environments dev and staging
    • "gtm_header_prod": GTM header code for environment production
    • "gtm_body": GTM body code for environments dev and staging
    • "gtm_body_prod": GTM body code for environment production
  • "api": groups the currently used api information, useful to apply conditional global logic, do not abuse this!
    • "name": the name of the api, e.g. "olmo"
    • "version": the version of the api, e.g. "1.0.0" },
  • "routes": list of all available routes, each of which must contain:
    • "id": a unique identifier that will determine the route template to use
    • "slug": object that maps each locale to a specific url structure that can either be static (e.g. /contacts) or dynamic where dynamic parts are prepended with a colon : (e.g.: /:collection-slug/:product-slug)


The CMS API should expose each localised sitemap in the endpoint {CMS_API_URL}/api/sitemap/{locale} (despite option seo index is true or false)

The frontend automatically use those to create the following URLs:

  • {APP_URL}/sitemap.xml: a default sitemap (exists only if "sitemap": { "index": false } in the structure response)
  • {APP_URL}/sitemap-{locale}.xml: one for each locale (exists only if "sitemap": { "index": true } in the structure response)
  • {APP_URL}/sitemap-index.xml: it maps the generated localised sitemaps to the right URLs (exists only if "sitemap": { "index": true } in the structure response)


The CMS API should expose the content of the robots.txt file for production at {CMS_API_URL}/api/robots.txt

The frontend tunnels that on production to:

  • {APP_URL}/robots.txt: Shows the content from the CMS

On all other environments an automatically generated robots.txt is served at the same URL with a disallow all blocking spiders.

CmsApi class#

use LaravelFrontend\Cms\CmsApi;

The CmsApi is used under the hood in various places of laravel-frontend for example to automatically retrieve each route specific data and some structural information about your project. It can also be used manually to communicate with the CMS in custom ways your project might need.

Standard methods#



nametyperequireddefault valuedescription
$endpointstringtrue''A relative path, it dinamically interpolates {locale} to the current locale (with App::getLocale())
$cachebooleanfalsetrueSet to false to explicitly skip response caching, otherwise the endpoint value will be used as the cache key ensuring data consistency.
$adaptercallablefalsenullAn adapter function to tweak the CMS response. The tweaked versoin is what is going to be cached if cache is enabled.

Retrive data from CMS API through standard GET request, it returns the response from the CMS if successfull or false if the request failed.


Most of the time you call CmsApi::getData() you want to prepend the current locale to the endpoint, that will be interpolated automatically passing {locale} wherever in the endpoint first argument, for example:

$myData = CmsApi::getData("{locale}/my-endpoint");

You can add [debug] in the request path to quickly debug the request response

$myData = CmsApi::getData("[debug]{locale}/my-endpoint");



nametyperequireddefault valuedescription
$endpointstringtrue''A relative path, it dinamically interpolates {locale} to the current locale (with App::getLocale())
$requestBodyarrayfalse[]The request body (parseable as JSON) to send along the request
$cachebooleanfalsetrueSet to false to explicitly skip response caching, otherwise the endpoint value will be used as the cache key ensuring data consistency.
$adaptercallablefalsenullAn adapter function to tweak the CMS response. The tweaked versoin is what is going to be cached if cache is enabled.

Send (or retrieve) data from CMS API through standard POST request, it returns the response from the CMS if successfull or false if the request failed.


Most of the time you call CmsApi::postData() you want to prepend the current locale to the endpoint, that will be interpolated automatically passing {locale} wherever in the endpoint first argument, for example:

$myData = CmsApi::postData("{locale}/my-endpoint", ["id" => "anId"]);



nametyperequireddefault valuedescription
$modelNamestringtrue''The model name as in the database
$requestBodyarrayfalse[]The request body (parseable as JSON) to send along the request
$localestringfalseApp::getLocale()The locale to prepend to the endpoint URL

Get all models with a certain model name. This is the conventional method to retrieve all models data from the CMS API according to the standardised endpoint /{locale}/allmodel/{modelName}. Usage:

$myData = CmsApi::getAllModels("product", ["someFilterKey" => "filterValue"]);

Authorization based methods#

The following methods communicate with the CMS API through the appropriate GET|POST|PATCH|PUT|DELETE request method sending the currently logged in user token in the headers. They all return the response from the CMS as an instance of Illuminate\Http\Client\Response as they are all just shortcuts to Laravel's Http client, they also all share the same signature.


nametyperequireddefault valuedescription
$endpointstringtrue''A relative path, , it dinamically interpolates {locale} to the current locale (with App::getLocale())
$ajaxboolfalsefalseIt tweaks the return data in the appropriate way for an ajax communication, pass true when using this method to serve data to a JavaScript based ajax call
$dataarrayfalse[]Some data to send in the request body

You can add special keywords to the endpoint URL in the same as with CmsApi::getData: {locale}, [debug], [guest]

$myData = CmsApi::getData("[debug]{locale}/my-endpoint");


See above for details.


See above for details.


See above for details.


See above for details.


See above for details.

CmsWishlist class#

This class is a simple wrapper around the standard CmsApi class methods whose aim is to standardise the wishlist related interactions with the CMS.

use LaravelFrontend\Cms\CmsWishlist;


Retrieves the full data about the current user wislist including the full objects of each wislisted item, usually used in a specific account page.

$wishlist = [];
$response = CmsWishlist::list();
if ($response->successful()) {
$wishlist = $response->json();




Retrieves the least data as possible about the current user wislist, it can be used to decorate a list of products that come from another response.

$wishlist = [];
$response = CmsWishlist::get();
if ($response->successful()) {
$wishlist = $response->json();




Add an item to the current user wislist.

$properties = [
// some selected properties...
CmsWishlist::add($product["id"], $product["type"], $properties);


nametyperequireddefault valuedescription
$idstringnumbertrueThe item id
$typestringfalse'product'The item type
$propertiesarrayfalse[]Specific item's properties that the user has selected in the add to wishlist action


Remove an item to the current user wislist.



nametyperequireddefault valuedescription
$idstringnumbertrueThe item id

CmsCart class#

This class is a simple wrapper around the standard CmsApi class methods whose aim is to standardise the cart related interactions with the CMS.

use LaravelFrontend\Cms\CmsCart;


Retrieves the full data about the current user cart including the full objects of each cart's item, usually used in a specific account page.

$cart = [];
$response = CmsCart::get();
if ($response->successful()) {
$cart = $response->json();




Retrieves the least data as possible about the current user cart, it can be used to decorate a list of items that come from another response.

$cart = [];
$response = CmsCart::get();
if ($response->successful()) {
$cart = $response->json();




Add an item to the current user cart.

$properties = [
// some selected properties...
CmsCart::add($item["id"], $item["type"], $properties);


nametyperequireddefault valuedescription
$idstringnumbertrueThe item id
$typestringfalse'product'The item type
$propertiesarrayfalse[]Specific item's properties that the user has selected in the add to wishlist action


Remove an item to the current user cart.



nametyperequireddefault valuedescription
$cartitemidstringnumbertrueThe item cart id (not the item id!)

CmsAddress class#

un'unica chiave addresses cosรฌ:

"addresses": [ {โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ "id": 1, "type": ["shipping", "billing"], // o solo uno dei due o niente "default": ["shipping", "billing"], // o solo uno dei due o niente "city": "...", ...etc. }โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹ ]

quando ti mando un form ti aggiungo due campi con prefix underscore per identificarli come "speciali": "_type": ["shipping", "billing"], // o solo uno dei due o niente (scegli tu un default se ti serve) "_default": ["shipping", "billing"], // o solo uno dei due o niente